BBC: Lib Dem Rob Blackie pledges to fix the Met
At the London Liberal Democrats manifesto launch, Rob Blackie pledges to make fixing the Met his number one priority.
Rob Blackie's number one priority
Rob Blackie is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of London - with a plan to fix the Met.
Coming home from work one night, Rob was violently mugged. NHS surgeons gave Rob a new titanium neck, but the muggers were never caught.
Rob believes the fundamental job of government is to provide security for ordinary people. So he was horrified to hear police officers say the sexual offences detection rate is so low 'you may as well say it's legal in London'
Rob will get the Met focused on convicting violent offenders and rapists, instead of stop and search.
Like many Londoners, Rob feels let down after 8 years of Sadiq Khan. It's time for a change.
Khan can’t fix the Met. Rob can.
At the London Liberal Democrats manifesto launch, Rob Blackie pledges to make fixing the Met his number one priority.
Sky News looks at Rob Blackie's background and campaign priorities as he seeks to replace Sadiq Khan
Rob Blackie announces his plans to end Khan's bus cuts whilst announcing his transport policies on the 450 bus route in Crystal Palace.
Rob Blackie proposes a post-Brexit 'London passport' - a new document that would confirm the rights of EU citizens living in London.
Pulling on the latest data, Rob Blackie pledges to reduce the high levels of crime suffered by black Londoners.
Rob Blackie declares that the Silvertown tunnel should be renamed the “Sadiq Khan motorway” to highlight the damage it will do to the mayor’s green credentials.
For all media enquiries please email bobby@speakchange.co.uk . All images below taken by Andrew King, high-res available here.